Can I Upload to Instagram From My Laptop


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How to Upload Video to Instagram from PC?

Instagram is a smartphone app for iPhone and Android, which allows you lot to upload pictures and videos on the platform. Notwithstanding, the video editing features on a smartphone are still limited. As well, It is e'er improve to edit the clip through the PC before uploading it on any social media app, not just Instagram.

Numerous internet services can upload Instagram video possible from a reckoner, no matter macOS or Windows. Hither, nosotros will hash out the top 4 methods to perform the action conveniently. And so proceed reading this guide and learn the solution.

upload video to instagram from pc 1
  • Part 1. Upload Videos to Instagram from PC with Sked Social
  • Office 2. Upload Videos to Instagram from PC with Dropbox
  • Part 3. Upload Videos to Instagram from PC with Gramblr
  • Role four. MirrorGo - The All-time Style Upload Video to Instagram from PC
  • Part v. Upload Videos to Instagram from macOS Computer with Flume

Part 1. Upload Videos to Instagram from PC with Sked Social

There are two types of videos that you tin post on Instagram. The ane is called Feed, and the other is known as Stories. The Feed videos are non more than 60 seconds long, whereas the story clips should non exceed 15 seconds.

Sideslip Social is a 3rd-political party app that allows you to post videos directly to Instagram from your computer's browser's comfort. The procedure not only saves time but volition enable you to edit the videos for Instagram in a professional manner.

You can start the video uploading process by making an account on Sked Social. Subsequently that, add together your Instagram account to the platform. Follow the steps listed beneath to upload clips on the app through your PC conveniently.

Step one. Get to the Dashboard of your Sked Social account and click on the "Video/GIF Post" tab;

Footstep 2. From the new dialogue box, click on Scan that will exist nether the Upload section;

upload video to instagram from pc 2

Step iii. Add your caption or description for the video. Moreover, yous can schedule the time to upload the video with Sked Social;

Footstep 4. Otherwise, click on "Submit and Create Posts," and the video will be uploaded to your Instagram from PC.

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Step 5. That'southward it!

Part 2. Upload Videos to Instagram from PC with Dropbox

The cloud storage platform Dropbox doesn't need any introduction. It is among the popular facilities that allow the users to store their data and use them beyond multiple platforms safely and quickly. It tin also play an instrumental role in uploading numerous videos to Instagram from PC. If you exercise not know how and so check the following instructions below:

Pace i. Download the Dropbox app on your reckoner or just admission the platform from your web browser;

Stride two. Sign in with your account or create a new one if you haven't already;

Step iii. You lot only have to elevate and driblet the video file on the app interface;

upload video to instagram from pc 4

Step iv. Now that the upload process is complete, you can caput over to your smartphone;

Step 5. Access the Dropbox app from the phone login using the same account that you were using on the computer;

Step 6. Locate the uploaded video and tap on the dotted card tab in front of it;

Pace 7. Tap on Consign and then Save to Device;

Pace 8. Yous will observe the edited Instagram app on your phone. From there, open your Instagram business relationship and upload the video.

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Part 3. Upload Videos to Instagram from PC with Gramblr

Instagram is accessible through the PC. However, you can only watch clips and scan through images with the platform. There is no support as of now that allows the user to upload Instagram videos from PC directly. Information technology is where popular third-party apps like Gramblr come in to assist you.

The app is free and operates equally well on both Windows and macOS. To start the process of uploading the video on Instagram through PC, y'all need to install Gramblr. Create an account and sync or link your Instagram account with the application.

Once you had completed all the tasks mentioned to a higher place, follow the stride of instructions stated below to finish uploading a video on Instagram:

Stride 1. Open Gramblr;

Step 2. Click on the Upload At present section and import the edited video on the interface;

Step iii. From there, Gramblr allows you to edit or ingather the video;

Stride 4. Finally, click on Write a Caption and Send tab and upload the video to the linked Instagram account.

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Part 4. MirrorGo - The Best Style Upload Video to Instagram from PC

Instagram doesn't offer any facility to upload media files using its URL. You can only add content through the apps for Android and iOS. Nonetheless, it isn't the example anymore equally Wondershare MirrorGo allows you to command your smartphone from PC. Moreover, its data transfer part enables uploading videos to Instagram from PC. The smooth interface volition let you lot manage everything quickly.

style arrow up

Wondershare MirrorGo

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Upload video to Instagram from PC now by downloading MirrorGo on your PC and following the steps listed beneath.

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Step i. Connect your Telephone to PC and Launch MirrorGo

Double-click on MirrorGo'south icon to run it on PC. Afterward, connect the telephone with the figurer using a USB connector cable.

connect android to pc

Step 2. Access the Developer Manner for Android

If y'all are using an Android device, yous need to open up the settings menu and enable the Developer Fashion option. Go to Nigh Phone and locate the tab earlier pressing on it seven times. Head over to Boosted Settings and from in that location switch on Debugging.

turn on developer option and enable usb debugging

Stride 3: Upload Video to Instagram from PC

Now, you will be able to access your Android phone from the estimator. But navigate the mouse to open Instagram. Transfer the video to the app interface and upload it to Instagram.

access android phone from the computer

Function 5. Upload Videos to Instagram from macOS Reckoner with Flume

If you are a macOS user, and then this department of the article is dedicated to you. Here, we will show you how to upload Instagram videos from the Mac computer with Flume's help.

upload video to instagram from pc 7

Flume is a 3rd-party app that offers to upload videos for its user. Moreover, its interface is like to Instagram's layout, making it much easier for you to manage. Download Flume from its official website and open the app upon completing the installation.

Cheque the steps below to acquire how to use Flume to upload a video to Instagram from macOS:

Step i. Launch Flume on your Mac;

Step ii. Connect your Instagram account with the app;

Step 3. Upload the video by clicking on the camera icon or drag/driblet the file;

Step iv. Later uploading the prune, Flume will offer you to edit it. You tin crop, cutting, and set unlike for your Instagram video;

Step 5. Postal service the video after completing all the steps higher up!


In this era of convenience, the shortcomings of ane platform are easily remedied by another. Such is the instance with Instagram. The popular social media app has yet to allow PC users to savor specific features of the platform that smartphone users savour.

All the same, it isn't a problem anymore as several third-party apps offer y'all to relish those functions through their interface. Hither, we accept discussed using some of those apps to upload a video to Instagram from PC. You lot can try either 1 of them and offset enjoying the privilege of the smartphone owners.

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